Distance Reiki Healing

What is distance Reiki?

Due to Reiki being a Universal Life Force, it is not limited by time and space. Therefore,  it can be sent to the past, present or future. As well as, to other lifetimes, past karmas,  or future events. Your only limited by your imagination!  

This means that Reiki healing can be received at a distance, as well as, in person. So, if  you live far away, you can still receive Reiki healing. Which also makes Reiki healing  covid friendly.  

Even though the reiki healing would not be received, in person, it still works just as  effectively.

How to make the most out of it?

For best results, during distance reiki healing: 

  • Make sure you are somewhere, where you will be undisturbed 
  • Make sure you are lying, or sitting somewhere comfortable 
  • Play some nice relaxing music, especially Reiki music (make sure there will be  no disruptions with AD’S, if on YouTube)  
  • Try to focus on your body, and what you feel .


Various feelings usually felt are:  

  • Tingling feelings at certain area’s of the body 
  • Warm / cold temperature’s  
  • Stomach rumbling 
  • Coughing  
  • Sudden need to laugh / cry  

How does it feel?

Whatever, you may feel, just allow it to flow through you, with ease. Everyone is  different, so we are all unique in what we may feel or experience.  

For sure, you will feel very relaxed and at peace.  

When the session has finished, I will let you know. Take your time, to return to full  awareness. Don’t make too many sudden movements. Return to awareness of your  body, nice and slowly.  

Take notice how you feel after the session, and the following day’s after.  Make sure to keep your body hydrated, by drinking water. 

If you would like to receive distance reiki healing, simply select ‘distance reiki healing’  on the appointment page.

Frequently Asked Question

Reiki & Angel healing is an energy healing. It is an energy force, which heals the mind, body & soul of the person receiving it.
We are always surrounded by energy, in every moment of this life. Even though we can’t see energy with our physical eye’s, we are always surrounded by it, and we ourselves are beings of energy.

Which is why it is good to take care of our energy field, and receive healing energy.

Yes, it is safe and suitable for all people of all ages, including adults, children, babies, and even animals. There are no contraindications.

You can be as you are. There is no need to remove any clothing. You will still receive the healing no matter how many layers of clothes you are wearing.
Please see the advice given for receiving distance Reiki healing.
Stay hydrated after your healing session.

Yes, it works just as good. Reiki & Angel healing is a Universal Life Force which can be tapped into, much like you can tune into certain radio stations on the radio.
It can be sent to the person who wishes to receive it, and works just as effectively, than in person.

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How I got into Reiki

How I got into Reiki

I had heard of Reiki here and there, during my travels and meeting like minded people. However, I had never really got into it, or…